School’s Newsletter 24/25 – term 3, newsletter 19
Hi All,
Here is an overview of our week at Nursery School:
Indoor focus – We discussed how some people are celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year this week and shared these clips to help with the children’s understanding of this celebration – We had lots of enhancements around the room to support the children’s interest in this celebration such as Chinese writing, pictures, a Chinese kitchen, and lantern making.
We have also been exploring and naming our emotions which links to our core book this week ‘The Colour Monster’. The children have also been busy comparing and measuring quantities in many different ways. They have been recognising and recalling 2D and 3D shapes within their play. We also added some loose parts to the home corner for the children to use in their play. Sally from the library came to see the children on Friday, they enjoyed listening to a story and joining in with some action songs with her. This links to our visit next week where the children will go in groups to the library as part of our big experience programme.
Outdoor focus – The children have been filling up and comparing measures in the water tray, threading pasta onto pipe cleaners and making bracelets, some children went on to paint their bracelets thinking about what they could differently. We enjoyed playing traditional games such as ‘hide & seek’ and ‘what’s the time Mr Wolf’. We also constructed shelters, obstacle courses, car ramps and mazes.
Wow activity – The children enjoyed tinkering with hammers and nails this week in woodwork. The children followed safety instructions and wore safety glasses and gloves on their non-hammering hand to keep themselves safe.
Forest School – Groups A & B had fun making a rope bridge at Forest School this week, most children were willing to have a go and mastered how best to travel along the rope bridge safely to the other end.
Maths focus: Measure – During group times the children used scales, where they measured and compared a range of items recognising which item was heavier, lighter or the same. We also measured the children using masking tape and compared, discussed who was the tallest, shortest or the same in height. Some of the children went on to measure the tape with objects to see how many blocks / gems tall they were.
Phonic focus: Body Percussion – This week we discussed and made opposite sounds we can make with our bodies such as loud & quiet, long & short, slow & fast sounds. Then we went on to explore the types of sound we can make we can make with our bodies such as clicking, stamping. Then finally we experimented with different types of movements we can do such as rocking, marching and skipping. This generated lots of lovely discussions about they different types of sounds they hear and can produce themselves.
Core Song – Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Poem – Carrot Nose
A cute little snowman with a
long carrot nose.
Along came a rabbit and
what do you suppose?
That cute little rabbit,
looking for his lunch.
Ate the snowman’s carrot nose,
nibble, nibble, munch
– See if your child can remember this poem and the accompanying actions.
Information / Reminders
*Library Trip – We still need to 2 more additional parent helpers for Tuesday & Friday (pm) from 1.15 – 2.30 (approx.). If you can help please do let me know. Thank you to all of you who have already offered.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Kind regards,