Dear all of you, Firstly, we would like to say a huge thank you for all of your support and understanding during, what has been, a week like no other!
Week beginning 09/03/20 Dear all, Apologises for no newsletter last week, the week and weekend whizzed by far too quickly!
Dear all, This week We started this week with making pancake batter in preparation for Pancake day on Tuesday. Together we looked at the ingredients and the children enjoyed mixing and stirring their own ingredients together, noticing and discussing the changes in their bowl.
Week beginning 3.2.2020 Dear all, This week: It has been a very good week. Lots of great conversations. Children finding corners to chat; negotiate turns; solve problems.
Week beginning 27.1.20 Dear all, This week We have been celebrating Chinese New Year this week, the children have been interested in the celebration and have thoroughly enjoyed acting out the story.
Week beginning 20.1.20 Dear all, This week – And what a lovely week! The children began by discovering the frosty garden on Monday and Tuesday.
Week beginning 20.1.20 Dear all, Well done to everyone for making this week successful, through wind, rain and cold and what is, let’s face it, a tough time to keep spirits up after Christmas, but we did it!
Week beginning 8.1.20 Dear all, Firstly, welcome back and we wish you all a very Happy New Year. It has been lovely to see all the children back at Nursery School this week
Dear all, Highlights of last week Last week seems to have whizzed by, we enjoyed holding our Rainbow Day on Tuesday where everyone came dressed in lovely bright colours and kindly donated towards Anna Drysdale’s cancer treatment.
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Opening Hours
- Ace Nursery School 8.50am-11.50am & 12.30pm-3.30pm (lunch 11.50am-12.30pm)
- Preschool 9.00am-12.00pm / 9.00am-2.00pm
- Childcare 8.00am-6.00pm
- Breakfast club and after-school club are available