Chipping Norton Community
The ACE Centre has been an important part of the local community for many years. Families can access a range of education and care services under one roof:
- THE ACE CENTRE NURSERY SCHOOL delivers play-based age-appropriate education for children aged 3 and 4 years old. We are very proud to be one of the seven maintained nursery schools in Oxfordshire. We are led by a governing body, a Headteacher, all specialists in early years.
- THE ACE CENTRE CHARITY LTD provides a range of services for under 3s. We are on the same site as the Nursery School but are a separate childcare provider run by the ACE Centre Charity Ltd. Many children come to ACE Childcare and ACE Pre-school and then move on to the Nursery School. We work hard to give children a smooth transition between the settings.
- CHIPPING NORTON FAMILY HEALTH SUPPORT. The Health Visitors are all qualified nurses or midwives who have completed specialist training in Community/Public Health. We currently work within the Healthy Child Programme (HCP) supporting children and their families.