The week just gone

Maurice and Christian’s Crocodile song was a great success.  Follow the link below and play it at home and your child will show you the actions!

Toast Tuesday was also a hit for the afternoon children.  We shall start it for the morning group next week.

The very windy day whipped up excitement making different styles of kites!

A great obstacle course was created outside – with safety features which the children thought of themselves

Large scale mark making on the decking was fun with left over clay from last weekend.

Last week’s group time activities were focused around:

  • Bertha the bus

“Bertha the bus is going to the zoo

Bertha the bus is going to the zoo

Bertha the bus is going to the zoo

What will she see when she’s travelling through?”

(To the tune of Skip to the Lou).

Bertha the bus was passed around and the children took turns to pull out an animal beginning with the same sounds – (Phase One Phonics, Aspect 5 – Alliteration).

  • Maths Mastery – There was a large basket of conkers which were great for learning about number tracks to 5, doubles, arranging patterns in tens grids, different arrays and a good game of conker skittles!
  • Our phonics learning this week was planned around alliteration, we have put lots of emphasis on initial sounds and have been encouraging the children to hear and say the sound at the start of easy words.

Good things to repeat / do at home to support last week’s phonics could be: 

  • Collect conkers! Count them and arrange them in patterns and pictures. Make your own 5 number track or tens grid indoors or outside.
  • Micro Libraries

We are championing reading in school and need you to help us.  Thank you for the interest you have shown in our Sofa Super Heroes reading scheme, but we need you to follow this up by establishing a regular time to come into school each week, each fortnight or each month. As we get to know our children better and better, we are creating “micro libraries” – books chosen to fit an individual child’s interests and therefore engage their attention, promote great language and discover the delight of reading something that “speaks to you”. So, come in and read with guaranteed success!

This coming week

  • Group time focuses will be around autumn weather, autumn poems and art
  • Drawing different types of maps as lots of children are showing an interest in the globe, and maps.

The Nursery School Team