Nursery School Newsletter 4 


Dear Parents 

This week’s Nursery School highlights: 

  • Snack/Cooking – At the beginning of the week some of the children had a go making a cucumber yoghurt dip. Some children were keen to try the dip and others were not so keen! The children had a range of crudites and pitta to dip. Here is the link for ‘Three easy dips for kids’ if you fancy making any at home. 
  • Outside – The children have started an Autumn display thinking about the 
  • seasonal changes/colours. They will continue this next week. 
  • Woodwork – It has been lovely to see the children building skills in the woodwork area. 
  • Inside – Some of the children have chosen to make homes, they have looked at a range of home 
  • photographs and been imaginative in their creations. 

In group times this week we have been focusing on: 

Our core book Owl Babies, the children have focused well and have enjoyed retelling the story back, we used props to help recall. 

Phonics – We have been focusing on the ‘a’ sound this week, again we made some silly soup. All the pictures the children placed in the soup began with the sound ‘a’. Can your child remember what they put in their silly soup? This week we have introduced instrumental sounds, they have had fun experimenting with sound, naming different instruments, and playing them when singing songs. 

Maths – This week we have been exploring comparison, we have been focusing on more and less through a range of activities and stories. 

Our poem this week has been: 

A Wise Old Owl 

A wise old owl sat in an oak 

The more he heard, the less he spoke 

The less he spoke the more he heard 

Why are we not like that wise old bird? 

To help with clear communication here are a few reminders/helpful information: 

  • Thank you for all your voluntary contributions, they are very much appreciated. 
  • Just a reminder about fruit/savoury snack contributions – can we ask that each child/family bring in a snack at the beginning of each week. We will share the snack with all the children throughout the week. We welcome any fruit, vegetables crackers, rice cakes, breadsticks etc. We will provide the biscuits for forest school on a Friday. 
  • Check out the 50 things to do before you’re five app – A menu of exciting activities for families in Oxfordshire with young children. 
  • We still need more bakers/helpers on the day for our fundraising event at Chastleton House on Saturday the 15th of October – please do remember to sign up if you can (signup sheets by back door/disabled toilet). Your help is very much appreciated. For any other questions/information please contact Zoe Wakefield – 

Have a fantastic weekend. 

Best wishes 

Zoe Wakefield