Nursery School Newsletter 29

Hi All

Here is a quick overview about what we have been getting up to Nursery School over the past few weeks.


Intentional Teaching

During group times we have been focusing a lot on asking ‘why’ questions to help to develop causal relations and develop verbal reasoning skills.

For maths we have been providing activities to encourage cardinality and counting, the children have been showing us numbers in many different ways when asked. We have modelled and encouraged the children to count collections to understand that the last number gives the total amount. We have key vocabulary each week that we focus on, this allows the children to hear, understand and use independently within provision.

Our phonics continues to focus on oral blending and segmenting. This is when the children listen to phonemes (sounds) within a word and remember them in the order in which they occur. We also talk about the different sounds that makes up a word. This is one of the he first steps to early reading


Forest School – The children have enjoyed making clay natural tiles, this was a great chance for children to develop their fine motor skills by exploring the clay in different ways i.e. pulling, twisting, pinching, rolling, manipulating, squeezing etc. They then went on to find natural materials to add extra detail to their clay creations. The children were also interested in identifying UK birds and discussed similar and different features, along with what they like to eat. This led on to the children making their own bird feeders to put up in the forest school area and some children were keen to make another one to take home.


Brave Kind Minds – Last week was our last session of Kind Brave Minds, these sessions were really good for the children to have time to help them develop moments of calmness and what they can do if they are feeling overwhelmed with feelings. This also has given staff extra ideas to help children when needed during the day to bring a sense of calm and help with emotional regulation. We hope to be able to continue with this sessions next term. Here is Sarah’s website if you would like to know more and find about other sessions she runs for children and adults –


I have a Little Frog:
I have a little frog,
His name is Tiny Tim,
I put him in the bathtub,
To see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water,
And gobbled all the soap.
And when he tried to talk,
There were bubbles in his throat
The Fox:
The fox is smart,
And sly as can be,
And a great big bushy tail has he.
He can run very fast,
And his fur is red,
And he lives in the woods in his tree trunk bed.


Reminders / Information

  • Snack – For the last few weeks we have been very low on snack, if able can you please bring in some donations, any day is fine Thank you for your continued support with donations, the children are really enjoying their snack times. It has also been great seeing the children drink more water, having their water bottles to hand has proven very successful with many children asking for refills throughout the day. If your child has not got a water bottle they are always offered a drink at snack time and are able to access a drink of water throughout the day.
  • Voluntary £10 donations are now due for the term. Thank you for all donations already received. Please, if able, can you give in your donation to the office or alternatively contact Alison in the office who will provide you with our bank details to make an online payment. Thank you for your support, this payment goes towards buying extra resources to enhance play opportunities for your children.
  • Sun cream and Hats – Please do ensure you have applied sun cream to your child before they arrive at nursery, we will support children to apply their own sun cream after lunch for our 30 hour children. You can leave a named sun cream at school, the roller / sponge applicators are proving the best for independence. Please also bring a named hat in for your child, we do have spares but not enough for everyone. During very hot periods in the day the children will have the choice to play up at the top garden which offers the most shade, on the decking or inside. We will also encourage and remind all children to drink more water in the hot weather to keep them hydrated.
  • End of term celebrations for school leavers – On Tuesday the 23rd of July we would like to invite you to come in for a small end of term celebration. The children will come together to sing to you a song about moving on and then we will split into our key groups where the children will share some of their favourite memories of Nursery School and tell us which school they will be moving on to. We will then present them with a small gift and sing them our song ‘You’re leaving us today’ It is always a day of mixed emotions, but it would be lovely if you could join us. We will miss you all. For morning children parents if you arrive at 11.15am and for all day / afternoon parents if you arrive at 2.15pm this will hopefully allow us enough time to say goodbye. For children who are leaving and do not normally attend nursery on a Tuesday, you are welcome to come in for the session that fits in with your nursery offer / pattern of attendance. Please do let us know if your child will not be in on the last day of term so we can make a separate arrangement to say goodbye on their last day.

I hope you are having a lovely weekend and enjoying the sunshine.

Kind regards
