School newsletter 24/25 – Term 2, newsletter 13

Hi All

Here is an overview of our week at Nursery School:

Indoor focus – Well, Christmas has arrived including two little elves who the children have been finding each day as they move around during the night. The children have enjoyed making reindeer food, they have been comparing quantities and identifying the ingredients. The Santa smile has been a hit, this has been a great sensory experience for many children where they have been exploring and describing the texture. The children have been busy mark-making, lots of Christmas cards and labels have been written. We have also enjoyed a few Christmas yoga sessions this week, where the children (and staff) have been naming and learning different poses. In Santa’s workshop the children have been busy mastering how to wrap a present. The children have had the chance to create and explain Christmas patterns using colour pompoms. The playdough this week had a Christmas smell, we asked to children if they could identify the spices that may have been used (ginger and cinnamon), lots of imagination and creativity observed at the playdough station this week.

Outdoor focus – The children have enjoyed being outside this week despite the weather. We had a Christmas ornament balance race using scoops and baubles, we marked out with chalk some lines / zig zags for the children to follow. We then challenged the children to complete the balance race without dropping the baubles. The children also loved creating a stage and listening to a range of Christmas music where they sang and danced using ribbons and scarves to move in many different ways.


Sri Lanka – Isuri (Brianna’s Mum) came in on Monday to talk to us about the country ‘Sri Lanka’, the children looked at the world map, located Sri Lanka and were interested in the National flag. Isuri explained that she, Brianna’s Dad and Brianna are from Sri Lanka and showed us a beautiful video of Sri Lanka, the children identified many landmarks and animals found in Sri Lanka. Isuri explained as part of the Sinhalese New Year which happens in April they recently celebrated the end of the harvest. Isuri shared photos, discussed and demonstrated some rituals and traditions. Some of the children were also keen to cook a Sri Lankan national dish – Kiribath / milk rice. At the end of the morning the children all had the chance to try the kiribath / milk rice and many of them loved it. I have attached the recipe from Isuri. Thank you SO much for taking the time to come in and teach us all about your home country.

St. Nicholas – Sarah (Elina’s Mum) shared some photographs of Elina and her brother washing their boots to show the other children. In Germany where Sarah is from it is a tradition to put a boot called Nikolaus-Stiefel (Nikolaus boot) outside the front door on the night of the 5th December. St. Nicholas then fills the boot with gifts and sweets overnight, and at the same time checks up on the children to see if they have been good, polite and helpful over the last year. Thank you for sharing these photos Sarah, it was lovely for Elina to share her tradition with all the children and staff. Marlena also shared a similar tradition that happens in Poland with the children.

Core Song – When Santa Got Stuck up the Chimney

Poem – His Hair is White

His hair is white, his suit is red.
He wears a hat to cover his head.
He laughs like this, “Ho, Ho, Ho.”
And drives his sleigh through sleet and snow.

– See if your child can remember these and the actions. We will be performing this song and poem amongst others to you at the end of the term.

Information / Reminders

– Trip: Thank you to everyone that has offered to come along and help take the children to the Co-op, looking at your availability we will go to the Coop on Wednesday the 11th (am only), Friday the 13th (am & pm) and Tuesday the 17th (pm only). This will allow all the children the chance to go on the trip in small groups. It will be great to get out into the community, discuss what we can see and focus on road safety.

– Christmas Jumper Day Thursday the 12th of December: Christmas Jumper Day is Save the Children’s annual event which raises money for the children who need it most. Every December, millions of people across the United Kingdom (and beyond!) join in with fundraising activities. So, if you can, please send your child in wearing a festive knit and make a donation to help give children the magical future they deserve. Here is our fundraising page 

– Back Gate: The top back gate (by carpark) will now be locked from around 9.05am, if you arrive after this time please can you use the front entrance. It will be opened at 11.45am and 3.25pm for collection times. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

– Christmas Performance: Thursday the 19th of December at 11.20 and 3pm.

– Christmas Party: Friday the 20th of December. If this is not a day your child attends they are more than welcome to come in for a session that fits with their attendance pattern.

– End of Term: Friday the 20th of December.

– Father Christmas: Does anyone know anyone that would be willing to fill this role? We are looking for someone to be available on Friday the 20th in the am & pm for around 45 minutes per session. We have got a suit!

I hope you all have a great weekend, despite the weather and we look forward to seeing you all next week for more Christmas Festivities.

Kind regards
