School newsletter 24/25 – Term 1, newsletter 5

Hi All

Here is an overview of our week at Nursery School:

This week we welcomed Sarah O’Leary to Nursery School, our interim headteacher. Sarah will be in school 2-3 days a week, she is very excited to meet you all 😊

Wow experience – The children made gingerbread men this week with Marlena, and they were keen, engaged and captivated by this activity. There were so many learning opportunities from naming ingredients, measuring ingredients, combining ingredients, kneading / rolling the dough, cutting out a gingerbread man. Once the gingerbread men were baked they had the chance to decorate them using gel pens and sprinkles.

Indoor focus – In the creative area the children had the chance to print using large stamps, nature and Autumnal colours. At the playdough table the children experimented combining natural resources such as pine cones, shells and leaves with the dough, and created individual masterpieces. In the maths area the children were busy measuring a range of quantities using the scales. We also enjoyed listening to some classical music while some of the children travelled around obstacles using the belly boards. The children were also keen to wash up in the water tray, they got stuck in with using brushes, bubbles and cloth’s to clean some of the items from our home area 😃

Outdoor focus – This week the children experimented with floating and sinking which stemmed from a child’s interest last week. The children all choose different objects and, before placing them into the water, they predicted if the item would float on top of the water or sink to the bottom. We discussed their reasoning, thinking about weight and what material the item was made from. The children also had fun printing leaves (card) using shaving foam and different colour dyes. They listened carefully to the instructions, they mixed the dye / foam, noticing the colours changing and created beautiful leaf prints. The children also enjoyed practising fundamental skills such as aiming, throwing, catching and kicking. Along with constructing and challenging themselves physically.

Forest School – This week the children listened to and discussed the story ‘Super worm’ and had the chance to make their own Super worm. They enjoyed using a range of mark making tools to decorate their own worms and then attached them to a lolly stick which they went on to use imaginatively within their play.

Maths focus – This week the children have been looking at comparison during group times we have been comparing more / less and the same through active games and songs.

Phonic focus – This week the children have explored instrumental sounds, they particularly loved an activity called ‘Adjust the volume’ where they each had an instrument and had to wait for instructions to tell them if they had play their instrument quietly or loudly. They also enjoyed adding new words to old songs, they were keen to add their own name and favourite characters / animals into their chosen songs. The children had a range of instruments to accompany their songs.

Core Song – Big Red Combine Harvester

Poem – Breezy Weather

Breezy weather. Freezy weather.
When the leaves fall, we all fall together.
Breezy weather. Freezy weather.
When the wind blows, we huddle together.

*Ask your child if they remember the words and actions to this short poem.

Reminders / Information

– We will be making some soup with the children next week, if possible could your child please bring in one vegetable from home, softer vegetables such as leeks, peppers, courgette, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, mushrooms etc, would be preferred but we will pre-cook some harder vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, parsnips to make chopping easier.

– Thank you to all of you that brought Autumn collections into school, please feel free to continue to collect more and bring them in next week.

– Voluntary contributions of £10 for this term are now due, you can hand an envelope into the office or send a payment via a bank transfer to:

  • Account name: ACE Centre Nursery School Special Purposes Account
  • Account number: 30269247
  • Sort code: 20-03-84

Thank you to those of you have already done this, it is very much appreciated. We use these donations towards cooking ingredients, playdough ingredients, to enhance areas of the environment and to top up snack if needed throughout the term.

Can you please like this memo, so we know you are accessing the memos we send on tapestry 👍

Wishing you all a great weekend

Kind regards
