School’s newsletter 24/25 – term3, newsletter 20

Hi All

Here is an overview of our week at Nursery School:

Indoor focus – We have been exploring weight by weighing different objects and asking the children to identify which objects are heavier, lighter, and the same in weight. The children have been completing and making their own mazes which they have enjoyed. We have provided many opportunities for children to develop their cutting skills where they have persevered and succeeded in what they have set out to do. Some of the children have completed electric circuits, the children were keen to do this independently and went on to add switches to their circuits. At the playdough table the children have been measuring length by making caterpillars and comparing which is the longest, shortest and recognising if any were the same in length.

Outdoor focus – The children have been busy washing some of the toys / resources this week and thinking about the best methods to clean them – lots of warm bubbly water, cloths, sponges and brushes seem to be the best solution for getting them nice and clean. We have continued to measure objects by drawing around them and asking the children to predict which will be the longest / shortest in length before comparing them. In additional to this we had fun building a range towers using the blocks / loose parts and comparing them height. The children have enjoyed having stories outside and playing games such as ‘duck, duck goose’. The top of the garden has been very muddy so we have been encouraging the children to put on their wellies independently. They have been busy on the climbing frame, wooden obstacle courses and in up in the mud kitchen where we have seen lots of imaginative role play / scenarios.

Wow activity – The children have continued to use hammers / nails and screwdrivers / screws in woodwork sessions. The children followed safety instructions and wore safety glasses and gloves to keep themselves safe while using the tools. The children have loved using real tools and have developed their skills over the term. we will continue with woodwork sessions next term.

Forest School – This week groups C & D had fun making a rope bridge at Forest School, most children were willing to have a go and mastered how best to travel along the rope bridge safely to the other end. Lots of team work was seen and the groups came together to support and encourage one another to succeed. It was evident the children felt a sense of accomplishment and were proud of themselves for having a go.

All being well we aim to have a campfire next week at Forest School. For some of our younger children we may suggest they need more awareness and to be able to show us they are ready to participate in the campfire this time. Every week we include aspects of fire safety at Forest School but for some children this takes time to master. So, if they do not do this time hopefully they will be ready by the end of next term. If you have not seen or signed the risk assessment for ‘Fires at Forest School’ I will get you to do this next week so we know you are happy for your child to participate.

Maths focus: Measure – During group times, the children were challenged to identify capacity by matching words to pictures and building their own towers and comparing them to others.

Phonic focus: Body Percussion – This week we recapped on action songs where we actively encouraged the children to join in with the words and actions.

Core Song – 2D Shape Song

Poem – Spring Wind

When the spring wind blows,
In her gruff and growly way,
She’s saying keep your mittens on,
I’m blowing cold today.
But when the spring wind blows,
In her soft and gentle way,
She’s saying take your jumpers off,
I’m blowing warm today.

– See if your child can remember this poem and the accompanying actions.

Information / Reminders

*If able would you take the time to look at the stars and moon with your child, we have been discussing light and dark and many children have said they have not seen the stars and the moon (I’m sure they have but just can’t remember). Our core book this week has been ‘Why is it Dark at Night?’ this book has generated many questions for some children which will continue to discuss and explore next week to help develop their understanding.

*Library Trip – The children who have not yet visited the library will be going on Friday the 14th either in the morning or afternoon. We ideally need one more parent helper in the morning and afternoon to ensure all the children can go this term. Please let me know if you can help and I will let you know the plan, timings etc. Thank you to everyone that came and helped with last weeks trip, we really do appreciate it and hoped you enjoyed it too. It really is great to get out in the community.

*Last day of term – Friday the 14th of February (normal time).

*Start of term 4 – Monday the 24th of February

Enjoy your weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.

Kind regards,

Zoe 😊