School’s newsletter 24/25 – term3, newsletter 21
Hi All
Here is an overview of our last week of term at Nursery School:
Indoor focus – The children enjoyed experimenting with the ball drops that had been initiated using the large Numicon, guttering, tubes, and ramps. Many of the children have been engaged in mark-making, and it has been lovely to see so many masterpieces being created where the children are proud of their creations. One of our focuses this term has been around the children developing their fine motor skills and encouraging hand eye coordination. The children have been mastering how to use scissors, using tools, treading, using tweezers / pipettes / pegs within in their play. We also set up a small hospital following the children’s interests, this was a great chance for children to engage in role play, learn new vocabulary and discuss their own knowledge, understanding and experiences linked to hospitals / the human body.
Outdoor focus – The children have had lots of opportunities to practice and develop their aiming skills by throwing and catching balls / beanbags, and playing / making up their own aiming games. They have also enjoyed developing the smaller mud kitchen where they have been imaginative and creative within their play. There are many mark making opportunities available to the children outdoors such as large chalks, clipboards, paper, white boards and mark making tools. The large blocks have been used to create dinosaur and animal enclosures, the children created many different scenarios in their small world play. It has been lovely to watch them become more and more independent in their play this term.
Forest School – Our older children enjoyed having a fire and cooking some popcorn, we discussed the 3 elements of the fire and all the children remembered how to keep themselves safe around the fire. We sang a poem called ‘Popcorn’ while we were waiting for the popcorn to cook which went like this:
Popcorn, Popcorn, sizzling in the pan.
Shake it up, shake it up,
Bam, Bam, Bam.
Popcorn, Popcorn, now it’s getting hot.
Shake it up, shake it up,
Pop, Pop, Pop.
We then all enjoyed sampling the popcorn along with a warm chocolate around the fire 😊
Maths focus: Shape & Measure – During group times the children identified a range of shapes by exploring them and explaining which shape was which by discussing each shapes unique properties using mathematical terms / language. The children also explored measure by ordering different length socks from longest to shortest / shortest to longest. There were also many opportunities within provision to recall their learning of shape and measure which has been our mathematic focus this term. Next term we will be focusing on ‘number’.
Phonic focus: Body Percussion – During group times the children played one game called ‘Follow the sound’ where the adult began by producing a body percussion sound which was then ‘passed’ to the child sitting next to them such as clap, clap, clap. The sound was then passed around the circle until it is returned to the adult. We asked the children if they thought the sound stayed the same all the way around, what changed, did it get faster or slower etc. Another game we played was called ‘Listen to the music’ where we Introduced one musical instrument at a time. We then asked the children to perform an action when each instrument was being played (e.g. Clap, wave, jump). The children then took it in turns to be the leader where they had to decide which instrument to play indicating which action the children had to do / remember.
Library Trip – On the last day of term we took the last 2 groups of children to the library, the children had a great time it was so nice to be out and about in the community. Thank you to those of you that were able to come and help on the trip, I hope you enjoyed our little adventure.
Core Song – Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Poem – A Little House
I’m going to build a little house,
With windows big and bright,
And chimneys tall with curling smoke,
Drifting out of sight.
In winter when the snowflakes fall,
Or when I hear a storm,
I’ll go and sit in my little house,
Where I’ll be snug and warm.
– See if your child can remember this poem and the accompanying actions.
Information / Reminders
* Library Books – If your child took a library book home that we took out on the nursery card if you could please return them after half term.
*Chipping Norton Theatre will be visiting on Monday the 24th of Feb in the morning and afternoon.
*Chipping Norton Theatre Trip – We are planning on taking the children to the theatre for a short visit on Monday the 3rd of March. The children will experience sitting in the auditorium, then will be invited to go on the stage where they will be read a book with lights and sound effects. To be able to do this we would need a considerable amount of parental helpers. We are planning two trips in the morning (if your child attends in the afternoon or does not attend nursery on a Monday you are welcome to join us for either trip). We are planning for the first group of children to leave at 9.45am (parents would need to arrive at 9.30 to go over risk assessment) and then the second group of children to leave at 10.45am (parent to arrive at 10.30 to go over risk assessment) once the first group is back. If we do not get enough helpers we may have to split the group and just take our older children this time (the ones leaving in the Summer) as our younger children will get to go next year. Please let me know if you are able to help and at which time, if you could help with both that would be amazing.
*Snack donations – Please continue to bring in your weekly snack contribution, any day of the week if fine. We welcome all fruit / salad and savoury snacks such as crackers, rice cakes and bread snacks.
*Termly voluntary £10 contributions are now due. You can make a cash donation at the office or pay directly into our bank account. I will confirm bank details next week. These donations go towards buying ingredients for cooking, playdough, sensory enhancements, woodwork essentials and extra snack if ever needed. Thank you in advance as these donations really do make a difference.
I hope you are all having a good half term and we look forward to seeing you all next week.
Kind regards,
Zoe 😊